Military Intelligence Doctrine of Colombia against the political doctrine of terrorist groups, necessary in the new battlefield: «The Internet»


  • Edwin Medina Camacho Escuela Superior de Guerra


ELN, OSINT, Damascus Doctrine, Colombian Army, Military Intelligence


Social networks today are instruments of subversion of ideas in an inadvertent way in societies, the multiple contents that generate hatred and mobilization in these do not rest, Colombia, which is trying to transition from five decades of direct armed conflict to a stable and lasting peace, faces a new battlefield for which it is not prepared. The guerrilla structures that persist in the country, have their political doctrine in force and set-in motion generating evident returns such as the marches of 2019. The Colombian Army persists in fulfilling its mission in the confrontation of decades ago, for this reason the Damascus Doctrine of the Colombian Army and Military Intelligence through the discipline of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) must include relevant coverage and participation for the understanding of new social phenomena and the challenges that will bring the emerging threats.


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How to Cite

Medina Camacho, E. (2020). Military Intelligence Doctrine of Colombia against the political doctrine of terrorist groups, necessary in the new battlefield: «The Internet». Revista De Cultura De Paz, 4, 257–270. Retrieved from


