Alternative Schools and a Profile of its Teachers: A Study of the Perception of the Role of Educators in Alternative Schools


  • Andrea Barrientos Soto


Alternative Education, Puerto Rico, Teacher Development


Alternative Schools represent an important bridge for youth who have abandoned school and search for second educational opportunities. The teachers in these schools have particular skills and abilities related to the socio-educational skills that are required when working with this population of youth. Although little is known about these teachers, the majority come from a traditional teaching background and make the transition to the alternative system accidentally. In this paper, we present the profile of the teachers that work in Alternative Schools in Puerto Rico in order to understand their academic and professional needs and strengths for future professional development.


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How to Cite

Barrientos Soto, A. (2017). Alternative Schools and a Profile of its Teachers: A Study of the Perception of the Role of Educators in Alternative Schools. Revista De Cultura De Paz, 1, 127–143. Retrieved from


