Challenges and advances in the dialogue between differentiated knowledge for the promotion of the Culture of Peace


  • Dalila Silva Mello Posdoctoranda del Programa de Antropología Social de la Universidad de Granada


Peace, Inter-scientificity, Nature Conservation, Socio-environmental Conflicts, Social Participation, Dialogue


This research addresses the challenge of methodological approaches to objects of complex studies. Among these objects, we highlight the management and negotiation of socio-environmental conflicts by peaceful means, and dialogue as a condition sine qua non for its realization. The works analyzed here with a new light were developed using the Action Research Methodology (Thiollent, 1985), with Rapid Participatory Diagnostic techniques, such as the Spoken Map and the Focus Group. Based on this perspective, the research question was: What are the challenges and advances observed in the dialogue between stakeholders with differentiated knowledge towards the construction of a Culture of Peace? The results have shown three points that can be related to each other, in item 1, the trickeries that involve local populations in the context of environmental licensing processes, have similarities with the mishaps they face in other contexts, such as with other populations regarding the creation and implementation of protected areas in the territories that originally inhabited. Item 2, deals with the challenges and advances involved in the creation and maintenance of the UC Councils which implies that the realization of the planned social participation of the local communities concerned. Item 3 addresses the challenges of the communication among stakeholders which have differentiated knowledge, focusing on the logic of UC administrators and the logic of local residents. In conclusion, despite the intention and advances in the dialogue, the difficulty of establishing a dialogical relationship between stakeholders with different forms of knowledge remains a constant challenge.


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How to Cite

Silva Mello, D. (2019). Challenges and advances in the dialogue between differentiated knowledge for the promotion of the Culture of Peace. Revista De Cultura De Paz, 3, 351–366. Retrieved from



Artículos / Monográfico: Cultura y Educación para la paz