Anthropological Journeys of the Past and the Future: The Ecological Peace of Francisco Jiménez Bautista


  • Mariateresa Gammone Università dell'Aquila


Anthropology, Ecology, History, Peace, Ecological Peace and Sociology


In this article we intend to analyze the uniqueness of the anthropological proposal presented by Francisco Jiménez Bautista of the concept of Ecological Peace/Gaia Peace in contrast with the other anthropological perspectives. The objective is to corroborate the differences in the traditional way of understanding peace and anthropology that in his writing becomes an Anthropology of/for peace, which in Francisco Jiménez Bautista is characterized in a manner, which finds no similarities in other authors. We conclude that his perspective is different compared to the many pacifist hopes of the past and to the many pessimistic anthropologies of the present.


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How to Cite

Gammone, M. (2017). Anthropological Journeys of the Past and the Future: The Ecological Peace of Francisco Jiménez Bautista. Revista De Cultura De Paz, 1, 31–47. Retrieved from


