Body memories of ex-combatant indigenous women of the FARC in Colombia: From «warriors to princesses» in the Territorial Training and Training Spaces (ETCR) of Tierra Grata and Pondóres


  • Ángela Santamaria Universidad del Rosario, Centro de paz, Conflictos y Posconflictos JANUS


Corporal Memories, Women ex-combatants, Indigenous, FARC


This article explores the corporal memories of a group of indigenous women ex-combatants of the FARC settled in the Colombian Caribbean, under analyze in the specialize literature. Using the methodological approach of participatory-action research, the critical pedagogy, and the communitarian feminism, techniques such as social cartographies, autobiographical workshops, memory albums, doll making and ethnographic observations, were implemented, to make these memories as a place of representation and identity construction. The corporeal memories of this group of indigenous women, showed the emergence of new identities in production and recreation, between the tensions of corporal discipline and individual autonomy conveyed by indigenous traditional dresses, the FARC’s uniform and the «trousseau of the princesses».


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Author Biography

Ángela Santamaria, Universidad del Rosario, Centro de paz, Conflictos y Posconflictos JANUS

Profesora titular y fundadora del Centro de Paz, Conflictos y Posconflictos de la Universidad del Rosario.


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How to Cite

Santamaria, Ángela. (2019). Body memories of ex-combatant indigenous women of the FARC in Colombia: From «warriors to princesses» in the Territorial Training and Training Spaces (ETCR) of Tierra Grata and Pondóres. Revista De Cultura De Paz, 3, 153–171. Retrieved from


