Culture and Workplace Mediation


  • Francisco J. Medina Universidad de Sevilla
  • Jorge Cea Rodríguez Universidad Austral
  • Jimena Ramírez-Marín Assistant Professor in International Negotiations at IESEG School of Management, Lille


Conflict, Workplace Mediation, Culture and Trust


The analysis of conflict and mediation in the field of organizations is an area of great theoretical and applied interest. In organizations with a high demographic diversity, it is necessary to analyse these processes using a cultural aproach. In this article, we will study how culture influences the choice of the dispute resolution system, what dispute resolution strategy is used by the parties, and how the level of trust is perceived by the parties. Culture also affects what is important for the parties that have a dispute and the behaviors that are appropriate.


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How to Cite

Medina, F. J., Cea Rodríguez, J., & Ramírez-Marín, J. (2017). Culture and Workplace Mediation. Revista De Cultura De Paz, 1, 49–66. Retrieved from


