‘Silence the stun grenades, we want to listen chirimía’: Flutes and drums music, and civil resistance in Popayán, Cauca


  • Juan Manuel Tobar Manzo Fundación Mambrú Internacional




civil resistance, soundscape, body, chirimía, flutes and drums, music, nonviolence, Popayán, Colombia, collective action, intersectionality


Through the development of ethnography and the participatory action research (PAR) with musicians-activists during the National Strike of April 28th (28A) in Popayán, Colombia. This research explores the relation between power and sound, the bodies during the resistance, and the use of nonviolent repertories in order to develop civil resistance processes that confront State and civil society sound repertories. The dialogue between theoretical views of soundscape, the body and civil resistance, allows to analyze the traditional flutes and drums music as an expression of harmony and peace building during the National Strike confrontations, and lights how organization around the deployment of nonviolent repertories, identities creation and the leaders role are configured to reduce the costs of collective action. Thanks to interviews, focal groups, participative observation/interpretation and archive work, the voices, reflections and feelings of people who directly participate in the resistance process, are gathered to explain how in 2021 we organized, sounded, and resisted.


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How to Cite

Tobar Manzo, J. M. (2023). ‘Silence the stun grenades, we want to listen chirimía’: Flutes and drums music, and civil resistance in Popayán, Cauca. Revista De Cultura De Paz, 7, 442–468. https://doi.org/10.58508/cultpaz.v7.190



Noviolencia: acción política y transformación social