Sustainability Strategy and Culture of peace: The Circular Economy in the Business Sector in Argentina




sustainability; circular economy; culture of peace, gender; Argentina


All regions of planet Earth will be affected by climate change in the coming decades. As a consequence, the 2030 Agenda aims to promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development where building effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels is a common goal. In this context, the Circular Economy emerges as a sustainability strategy for companies in the world and in Argentina. This descriptive study seeks to determine the state of the issue of the Circular Economy in the Argentine business sector and the main contributions that are being made to the SDGs. For this, 22 projects presented in a national contest organized by the Argentine Network of the United Nations Global Compact in 2020 were analyzed. The results show a lesser role for SMEs in circular economy programs, however, many of the initiatives developed by the larger companies require the support and collaboration of their value chains for their implementation. SDGs 12, 17 and 13 are more present. The projects also seek to contribute to transforming the world and generate in the recognition of the "other" the construction of the Culture of Peace, (SDG 16). The circular economy agenda is under construction, aligned with the SDGs and the recognition of developing cooperative alliances to achieve them.


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How to Cite

Liarte-Vejrup, N., Carignano, M. J., & Álvarez-Nobell, A. (2022). Sustainability Strategy and Culture of peace: The Circular Economy in the Business Sector in Argentina. Revista De Cultura De Paz, 6, 402–425.



Artículos / Monográfico: Cultura de Paz en las organizaciones