A note from the Editor


  • Santiago Pérez Samaniego Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja - Ecuador, Cátedra Unesco de Cultura y Educación para la Paz


The Revista de Cultura de paz, Journal on a Culture of Peace, is a scientific publication of the UNESCO Chair of Education and Culture of Peace, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, Ecuador. Its main task is to promote research on the Culture of Peace, Conflict, Education and Human Rights at international, national, regional and local levels. This issue corresponds to Volume 1 of 2017, this first edition, which initiates and presents the Journal to the public. The Journal will be published each December.

The main focus is the publication of high quality articles and research that help us to understand the current reality in the world and especially in Latin America and stimulate to transform conflicts to seek peace, including those contemporary issues in those who believe that we can shed light. The Journal aims to be a forum to open the debate on research for peace from an inter and transdisciplinary perspective. As one of its core values, the Journal seeks to face peace, conflict and violence from academia in order to help us improve and institutionalize the Studies for peace.

We thank Saadia Sánchez Vegas, Director of the UNESCO Office in Quito and UNESCO Representative for Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela, and María Brown Pérez, Education Officer, Sector of UNESCO Quito for supporting all the initiatives of our Chair of Peace and particularly to the creation of this Journal.

My personal thanks to the Editorial Board and the collaborators for their work, perseverance and commitment to the quality of the Peace Culture Journal, especially to Francisco Jiménez Bautista and Enrique Luzuriaga Muñoz. I also appreciate the editing and style corrections in Spanish and English made by Francisco Jiménez Aguilar and Andrea Barrientos Soto. We highlight the valuable work of Francisco Vega Álvarez, whose technical knowledge has allowed the portal to work perfectly. Finally, I want to thank Gabriela Moreira Aguirre and Roberto Beltrán Zambrano for their commitment to the development and execution of all the activities of our UNESCO Chair of Culture and Education for Peace.


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How to Cite

Pérez Samaniego, S. (2018). A note from the Editor. Revista De Cultura De Paz, 1, 5–6. Retrieved from https://revistadeculturadepaz.com/index.php/culturapaz/article/view/16



A Note from the Editor