Grounded theory based on experiences of university professors mainstreaming the culture of peace




Culture of Peace; Mainstreaming; Grounded Theory; Higher Education


Formal education acquires a great responsibility as an institution oriented to the formation of citizens committed to social transformation. In this sense, it is a necessity to rethink the forms of education, pedagogical methodologies, curricular contents, expected learning, and the curricular structure to orient it to an integral formation that favors the development of skills, attitudes, and knowledge that help to build a culture oriented to peace. The transformation of the curriculum in higher education has become an imperative need worldwide, becoming in turn a strategy to train professionals with a comprehensive education who have the theoretical and practical skills necessary to respond to the complexity of the social reality that surrounds us. Therefore, teachers speak from their daily teaching practice and present a series of experiences with the mainstreaming of the culture of peace from the classroom. From the grounded theory approach, constant comparison was used as the main method to identify theoretical categories. It was found that teachers transmit to their students the appropriation of the culture of peace that they experience in their professional and personal lives. It is necessary for each teacher in front of a group to recognize the importance of educating to build a culture of peace transform their teaching practice, and mainstream their school subjects by integrating the culture of peace.


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How to Cite

Ochoa Rocha, J. M. (2022). Grounded theory based on experiences of university professors mainstreaming the culture of peace. Revista De Cultura De Paz, 6, 213–237.


