Epistemologias do Sul e a experiência do Projeto Vidas Paralelas Migrantes Brasil-França


  • Maria da Graça Luderitz Hoefel Universidade de Brasília (UnB)
  • Monique Araújo de Medeiros Brito Brasil Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia (UFRB)
  • Denise Osório Severo Universidade de Brasília (UnB)
  • Regina Gloria Nunes Andrade Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ)
  • Alexandra Cleopatre Tsallis Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ)


migration, Southern epistemologies, Image, photography, actants


This article addresses the experience of the Migrant Parallel Lives Project (“PVP Migrantes”), whose action subjects are people in migration situation in both countries. Funded by CAPES-COFECUB, this project is an international research cooperation between the University of Brasília, University of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Université Paris XIII and Université Paul Valery. The method of the project is structured in the performance of photography and human rights workshops and has as a guide the reflection from the image and the sharing of meanings, paths, destinations, impacts and possibilities of collective construction of forms of intervention in the world, capable of guaranteeing the human rights of the migrants. This article emerges from the experiences developed in order to reflect on the convergences and crossings with the perspectives of the epistemologies of the South. The project starts from the praxis of the workshops and from the potential of incorporating the image as an emancipatory device in order to discuss the theoretical-methodological aspects and their epistemological dialogues. Thus, the workshops are catalysts for a powerful encounter mediated by two important actants inscribed in the project method: photographs and a world map, through which migration experiences are told and shared, embodying a common object that does not seek to homogenize the experiences, since the logic of the epistemologies of the South is not to work with single stories and unquestionable truths, but to allow the emergence of epistemological, cultural, political and social diversities.


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How to Cite

Luderitz Hoefel, M. da G., Araújo de Medeiros Brito, M., Osório Severo, D., Nunes Andrade, R. G., & Cleopatre Tsallis, A. (2021). Epistemologias do Sul e a experiência do Projeto Vidas Paralelas Migrantes Brasil-França. Revista De Cultura De Paz, 5, 271–285. Retrieved from https://revistadeculturadepaz.com/index.php/culturapaz/article/view/103



Artículos / Monográfico: Racismo, xenofobia y discriminación social